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1992-1996           Illinois State University, Bloomington-Normal, IL - Master of Fine Arts in Painting

1986-1989           University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL - Bachelor of Fine Arts with honors

1985-1986            Elgin Community College, Elgin, IL - Fine Art Major with honors

1977-1980           Elgin Community College, Elgin, IL - Nursing Major with honors

1961-1963           Mundelein College, Chicago, IL - Art Major 

1955-1961           Junior School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Professional Experience

1996–Present Teaching Beginning Drawing, Design, Computer Art, Printmaking, 
Life Drawing, Painting I and II, Elgin Community College

1985-1995            Staff nurse, Americana (now Manor Care) Extended Care Centers in
Urbana, Elgin, Elk Grove, and Normal, IL

1980–1985           Staff nurse, Sherman Hospital, Elgin, IL

Professional Certification

1993                      RN, and RNC, Certified in Geriatrics