Lectures at Arts in Bartlett

I am just ending a series of lectures on the top 100 works of art. It was a modified version of the descriptions I give in my Art Appreciation class at Elgin Community College, without the quizzes.

I am just ending a series of lectures on the top 100 works of art. It was a modified version of the descriptions I give in my Art Appreciation class at Elgin Community College, without the quizzes.
i was Artist of the Month , August, 2019. at Prairie Arts Center in Schaumburg, IL.
This is the link to my interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5U-2hjMSC-Y
Over 60 people came to the opening reception. This was a follow up to an exhibit I had there two years ago. It consisted mainly of watercolors started on site when I traveled to Estonia, Korea, Australia, Canada and at home in Illinois and Wisconsin.
Three weeks ago I traveled to Dallas for the annual Southern Graphics Conference. There were three days of meeting with colleagues from all over the U.S., sharing new artmaking techniques, exhibits at 5 diffrerent colleges in the Dallas and Ft. Worth area, and seeing collections in the area museums.
A memorable exhibit was a temporary exhibit at the Dalls Art Museum of Berthe Morisot's work. Morisot is the best known French female Impressionist. I was surprised to learn that she was married to French Impressionist Edouard Manet's younger brother. I also learned that she had an equally talented older sister who gave up making art for life as a wife and mother. Here is a portrait of Berthe Morisot painted by her sister.